Focus Areas

Early thinking and conversations suggest the initial focus of the MB Tech Hub should encompass the following four priority focus areas:

> Workforce Training
> AAM Infrastructure
> Innovation & Entrepreneurship
> Collective Political Engagement

Workforce Training

Because of the sophistication of the AAM aircraft and infrastructure, creating a national workforce capable of servicing and maintaining both aircrafts and infrastructure is a critical need. Workforce education for AAMs requires state-of-the-art tools and instruction, beyond the resources of most educational institutions. By focusing on the simultaneous construction of a specialized AAM workforce training center and strengthening of the more generalized technical training currently offered by regional CCCs, we can strategically meet regional, state and national workforce needs as they increase.

Funding and construction of a workforce training center will require external funding, with a focused effort being applied by UC Santa Cruz to seek out state and federal sources for such funds. In the interim, creation of a set of curricula to support specific needs of manufacturers and potential vertiport sites should be the initial focus of the MB Tech Hub Workforce Training working group. This will require extensive input from manufacturers as to specific skill sets that meet their requirements for minimum entry-level workers, as well as more skilled and specialized workers.

A further aspect of workforce training needs to address specific vertical markets in the region, such as agriculture, marine science, national security/defense, infrastructure inspection and emergency response (firefighting, EMTs, etc.). Each of these markets as in the nascent stage of AAM and/or drone usage and curriculum and educational programs targeting the training needed to work in these industries is essential.

AAM Infrastructure

AAM industry expansion is currently constrained  in terms of navigating and flying these new types of aircraft, with few opportunities to test point-to-point operations . MB Tech Hub’s Infrastructure working group is focused on working with regional air facilities to create a minimum viable architecture (MVA) within the Tri-County region to facilitate the testing of point-to-point navigation. When constructed, this MVA would be the first regional testing ground in California. Initial focus of this MVA is around eVTOLs, but subsequent efforts should include hydrogen fueling capabilities to reflect the growing interest around hybrid fueled AAM aircraft. Creation of MVA infrastructure will serve as a strong incentive to attract AAM companies to the Tri-County region.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Despite the presence of leading AAM companies in the region, the Tri-County region does not have sufficient incentive financing programs to create a draw for established out-of-region AAM manufacturers. The MB Tech Hub Innovation and Entrepreneurship group is instead focused upon creating an opportunity-based environment for emerging companies in the AAM space, including AAM vertical markets such as Ag-Tech and marine science. This environment needs to have specific support and financing instruments for seed, early, and growth stage companies, as well as creating and enhancing AAM knowledge-based learning and information sharing.

Collective Political Engagement

Due to the population size of the Tri-County region, the political power that any one county in the region possesses is nominal when contrasted with urban counties in California. In the same way, the Monterey Bay region is not generally perceived to contain large populations of under-served or lower socioeconomic status families and individuals, a perception that statistics prove to be false in most inland areas of the region. Overcoming the lack of political power and improving the understanding of the socioeconomics of the greater Monterey Bay region is going to be critical in advancing the establishment of an AAM infrastructure and obtaining federal and state support. Because of this, establishing and maintaining collective political engagement may be the most important priority of the MB Tech Hub effort. This effort needs to be ascendant in the coalition’s priorities and a repeated region wide request for political support and funding needs to be maintained.